
Midas meets Charity 2024

For the fourth time, Midas Pharma employees participated in the annual charity run for a good cause. Colleagues around the world ran, swam or cycled to collect kilometres, which were rewarded by the company with donations. Over 9,000 kilometres were collected in this way. The resulting donation amount of €15,000 will now benefit three pre-selected projects in Brazil, India and the Ahrtal.

The sum from the donation fund was divided up and presented to the organisations with a symbolic cheque. The money has been received by the respective organisations and is now available for the projects.

Yanomami Hilfe e.V. - aid projects in Brazil

A part of the donations was handed over to the non-profit aid organisation Yanomami e.V. during a charity event at the Winzerkeller in Ingelheim am Rhein. The Organisation was founded in 2006 by Christina Haverkamp, who has been fighting for the rights and improvement of the living conditions of indigenous peoples, particularly the Yanomami in Brazil, for over 35 years.

In addition to Midas Pharma employees, the event was also attended by the chairmen and members of the Ingelheim and Bingen Lions Clubs, the Lions youth organisation Leos Rheinhessen and the Rotary Club Ingelheim.

The presentation provided impressive insights into the work of Christina Haverkamp and the difficult situation of the Yanomami, caused by the threat and destruction of their habitat. The aim of all the activities and projects initiated by Christina Haverkamp is to improve the situation of the Yanomami in the long term by helping them to help themselves. Following a donation of €7,000 last year, Midas Pharma is again supporting the Yanomami with €3,500 this year.

Further donations were also collected during the presentation. Special thanks go to the Lions Club Ingelheim, that contributed an additional 2,000 euros for the Yanomami.

Hoffnungswerk e. V. - Flood relief Ahrtal

A donation of €9,000 will be transferred to Hoffnungswerk e.V.. The non-profit organisation cares for those affected by the flood disaster, which caused devastating destruction in the Ahrtal in July 2021 and claimed the lives of many people.

Even almost three years after the flood, local people are still struggling with the various effects. While reconstruction has already made good progress in some areas, little has been achieved in others. A lack of financial resources - often due to complex bureaucracy - as well as the long-term overload and exhaustion of those affected are limiting further progress.

This is precisely where Hoffnungswerk e.V. comes in to provide unbureaucratic and direct support. With psychosocial, practical and financial assistance, people are given long-term and sustainable help directly on site.

Deepam - a light for India

Helping people to help themselves is also the focus of this project in Viralimalai, Tamil Nadu in south-east India. Gisela Häring, a former teacher and Caritas employee, has been working in India since 2001 to offer disadvantaged women and children a perspective for the future.

In addition of covering the costs of school education and university fees, sewing courses are organised. They offer the girls and women the opportunity to become independent and earn their own living. Midas Pharma is supporting Gisela Häring's charity project with a donation of € 2,500.

„Midas Pharma endeavours to support projects where the donated funds arrive quickly and unbureaucratically where they are urgently needed. The use of donations for these specific projects makes the successes immediately visible. We are happy if we can contribute to sustainably improving the lives of the people affected.“
Dirk Weidenbach
COO Midas Pharma

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