Midas Pharma – Your Partner for E-Commerce Channels in China
The e-commerce market for Consumer Healthcare Products in China has grown rapidly in recent years and is expected to continue to grow.
Midas Pharma: Tips for entering the Chinese market
Midas China helps you to understand the fundamental differences between pharmaceutical products that must go through an IDL (Import Drug License) process and Consumer Health Care / e-commerce products and explains which products are ideal for an online marketing and sales model. Especially in the area of Consumer Health Care Products there are interesting opportunities with regard to registration and distribution in China.
E-commerce is a simple, quick and informal way to enter the Chinese market with a less complicated registration process requested, but only a limited number of documentation needed.
Required documentation:
- Artworks of primary and secondary packaging
- Package Leaflet
- Label on primary packaging
- Formulation (ingredients and the percentages (by weight) of each ingredient)
- EAN code
Criteria for successful market entry
Regarding the “ideal product” Midas has defined some criteria for successful market entry, and we will help you to evaluate your portfolio and discuss about strength and weaknesses, pros and cons:
- Among the TOP3 local brands in EU or Top 5 in USA or Japan
- Skin/body care: crowded segment - ONLY distinguished brands
- Food supplement: CNS-mental health, antioxidants
- Medical devices: E.N.T. (ear, nose, throat), wound/scar-treatment
- Pharma-OTC – topical ONLY: hemorrhoid, andrology, etc.
Let us talk about your products, we are happy to serve you.
Your Contact

Thorsten Schäfer
International Division
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim