Midas uses IPMA standards in project management
As a "learning organization" we at Midas have been reflecting on our projects for many years. From successful projects, we draw the experiences and success factors, and we are learning from projects that did not run optimally.
With regard to the very complex, highly dynamic pharmaceutical environment, professional project management plays an increasingly important role. An increasing number of regulations and extensive legal requirements increase the effort and require optimal integration of different processes and areas of expertise. In parallel, the time in which a project can be completed has a major impact on the added value.
Two years ago we therefore decided to use the German IPMA standard as the basis for project management at Midas. IPMA is a worldwide accepted quality standard for professional project management, which covers a range of competences that a project manager should be able to perform to a certain degree. IPMA hence requires a certain level of knowledge for many competencies, but on the other hand respects the differences between projects and project managers and thus refrains from rigid regulations.
At Midas, project managers are trained on regular basis according to IPMA standards. An IPMA Level C certified project manager offers support to rookie project managers in form of a ‘training on the job’ and consults project managers in case of projects with an extraordinary complexity and in extremely critical situations. The regular training of Midas project managers is included in our training plans. A contact point for all project managers is the position ‘Head of Project Management’, which has been established at Midas 2 years ago.
As a consequence, if you as our customer start a project with Midas Pharma, a dedicated professional project manager will be assigned to take care of the planning and execution of the project. Each project manager may ask for support or advice by an experienced person any time. This applies to internal Midas projects such as in-house developments, to projects that you as a customer carry out together with as a jolnt project us as well as to projects that you commission us with.
Your Contact

Dr. Stefan Mackeben
Head of Project Management
55218 Ingelheim