Trans-o-flex CO2de green – stickers for environmental protection
An elemental building block at Midas for being sustainable is the reduction of CO2-emmissions. Where a reduction is not possible yet, it is our ambition to compensate for the generated and unavoidable climate gases.
By planning shipments intelligently, we could agree with our logistics service provider trans-o-flex and our warehouse Popack on a fix collection date for our Distribution Business products every Friday. This does not only reduce the number of approaches by the drivers to one approach per week, it also generates monetary savings for which we are awarded by a rebate in freight rates, from which also our customers benefit from.
All shipments ex our warehouse Popack that are transported with trans-o-flex are CO2-compensated. We agreed with the Popack warehouse staff to put stickers on the parcels and pallets, which show that the consignment is climate neutral. The amount we have to pay for the stickers is invested by trans-o-flex in climate protection projects, like clean energy generation in China as well as wastewater treatment and biogas production in Thailand.
In the long term, we hope that further opportunities will arise to make logistics more sustainable and climate-neutral. For example, the switch to electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles in the transport industry.
Your Contact

Andreas Hartmann
Marketing & Sales
Distribution Manager
Rheinstr. 49
55218 Ingelheim